More specific regulations

The wording of legislation is often general in nature. More specific regulations provide more detailed interpretation:
Health & safety fact sheets
- Health & Safety fact sheets (AI-bladen) provide both general and more detailed information about specific aspects. These fact sheets are published by SDU.
Notifications to Mining Companies
- These contain the specific regulations which apply to mining companies and/or companies who work for them. The notifications are published by the Inspector General of Mines.
Notifications to Shipping Companies
- The Head of Shipping Inspections issues these notifications. Different construction and testing requirements are also included in these notifications.
National Standards and Practice Guidelines (NEN and NPR)
- The Dutch Standardisation Institute (NEN) publishes NEN standards and NPR practice guidelines. The specialist standardisation committees have set up detailed quality and inspection standards with respect to lifting and hoisting equipment. These standards have been implemented in the Netherlands to meet the highest safety requirements. More and more NEN standards and NPRs are being replaced by NEN-EN standards (often more generally formulated and with less stringent requirements) so that the European Directives are satisfied. European standards often use the ISO standards in order to facilitate international trade.
Regulations of Classification Agencies
- These are internationally operating organisations who work according to their own regulations. They may also carry out inspections in all kinds of areas, for example, on the basis of regulations issued by the statutory authorities.
- These agencies have been designated by the Dutch Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs for the inspection of specific lifting and hoisting equipment on ships (loading and unloading equipment). This is overseen by the Shipping Inspectorate. EKH companies can be authorised by Classification agencies to carry out these inspections and to issue specific certificates.